Guidelines References

see APA Style and Grammar Guidelines References i Reference Quick Guide

The bibliography should be prepared according to the following rules:


Book with one author:

Book with one author

Name, I. (year). Title of the book (if necessary, also the edition). Publisher.


Marciniak, R. (2022). E-learning: designing, organizing and implementing. Wolters Kluwer.


Book with two authors:

Last name, I. & Last name, I. (year). Title of the book (if necessary,also the edition). Publisher.


Kowalski, J., & Okon, M. (2011). Managing in the digital age. MAREN Publishing House.


Book with three or more authors:

Name, I., Name, I. & Name, I. (year). Title of the book (if necessary, also the edition). Publisher MAREN.


Kowalski, J., Okon, M., Nowicki, J., & Bielecki, M. (2019). Digital marketing. MAREN Publishing.


Bednarczyk, J., Ciesielska, M., Dalicki, R., Paz, A.R., Moreno, C., Morales, J., Alvarez, P.M., Smith, F., Moore, D., Anderson, J., Nowacki, K., Panaszek, P., Bedo, Z., Zang, Y., Keck, P., Allison, R., Goodwin, P., Meo, T., Garcia, J., … Kowalski, P. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility. Prince University Press


More than one publication by the same author in the same year:

If an author has published two books (or more) in the same year, then add - without spaces - the letter of the alphabet a, b, c.

Last name, I. (yeara) (e.g. 2021a). Title of the book (if necessary, also the edition). Publisher.

Last name, I. (yearb) (e.g. 2021b). Title of book (if needed, also edition). Publisher.


Kowalski, M. (2018a). Modern management styles. MAREN Publishing.

Kowalski, M. (2018b). Managing in turbulent times. MAREN Publishing.


Book written under the editorship of:

Name, I. (ed.). (year). Title of book (if necessary, also edition). Publisher.

Example: of drafting:

Okon, M. (ed.). (2020). Product marketing. MAREN Publishing.


Chapter in a collective work:

Name, I. (year). Chapter title. IN I. Name (ed.), Title of book (p. beginning - p. end). Publisher.

Last name, I. (year). Title of chapter. IN I. Surname & I. Surname (ed.), Title of book (p. beginning – p. end). Publisher.


Kowalski, L. (2021). Digital marketing of sports companies. IN M. Okon & L.Balicki (eds.), Marketing companies in the digital age (pp. 94-136). MAREN Publishing


Journal article:

Name, I. (year). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number(issue number), the first page number of the article-the last page number of the article. DOI (if any).


Last name, I. (year). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number(continuous number), the first page number of the article-the last page number of the article. DOI (if any).

If the article has a DOI number, the author is required to provide this number in the bibliography as a URL:


Marciniak, R. (2018). Quality Assurance for Higher Education Online Programs: Design and Validation of an Integrative Assessment Model Applicable to Spanish Universities. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(2), 126-154.

Rembielak, G & Marciniak, R. (2021). The Value of Postgraduate Students Opinions in the Quality Management of Academic E-Learning. Foundations of Management, 13, 183-194.


Newspaper article available in print:

Name, I. (year, day month). Title of article. Title of newspaper, first page number of article-number of last page of article.


Balicki, K. (2022, February 11). In search of factors of wealth of nations. Economics, (13), 6-7.


Newspaper article available in electronic version:

Name, I. (year, day month). Title of article. Newspaper title, volume number (issue number), first page number of the article-last page number of the article. URL


Balicki, K. (2022, February 11). In search of factors of wealth of nations. Economics, (13), 6-7. https//ekonomia/w_poszukiwaniu_czynnikow_bogactwa_narodow/en/4321


Published doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis:

Name, I. (year). Title of the thesis [Type of thesis, University of higher education]. Database,URL.


Kowalski, J. (2015). Determinants of strategic management in public universities [Doctoral dissertation, University X]. University X Repository. https:repository/


Unpublished doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis:

Name, I. (year). Title of the thesis [Unpublished Type of thesis]. The University of Higher Education.


Balicki, M. (2015). The impact of human resource management on value creation in a small business. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. X University



    • If there is a publication date:

Website Title/Institution/Name, I. (date of publication). Title. URL

Example of drafting:

Warsaw University of Technology Business School. (2020, October 14). MBA once and today. How has the prestigious degree program for managers changed?

    • If there is no publication date, the date of the download is given:

Page Title/Institution/Name, I. (n.d.). Title. Downloaded date from the web address

Example of drafting:

Warsaw University of Technology Business School. (n.d.). The Pareto principle - the basis of the work of every manager. Retrieved March 20, 2021 from



Name of the act, type of legislation, Act number (year) (country or jurisdiction). Details of the source where the act was published.


Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (original text: Dz. U. 1994 No. 24 item 83, consolidated text: Dz. U. 2016, item 666). (Poland).


Report or study:

Institution/Name, I. (year). Title (number). Publisher. URL

Example of preparation:

Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. (2021). Sanitary state of the country in 2020. GIS.


Conference materials:

Name, I. (year). Title. IN I. Surname (ed.), Title, first page number of article-last page number of article. Publisher. URL

Example of drafting:

Urbanek, P., Kucharski, J. & Frączyk, A. (2015). Simulation of dielectric heating of a wet paper web. IN P. Ostalczyk (ed.), IlI Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Problemy Cieplne w Ektrotechnice i Elektrotechnologie, 265-272. Lodz University of Technology.



