Managerial perspectives and organisational practices relating to business.pdf
Many international businesses struggle to collaborate successfully and
understand management in China, which prevents successful collaboration,
optimal trade, and commercial success for all parties involved. The purpose
of this paper is to inform academic and practitioner audiences of the
attitudes towards business ethics in China. The use of a bilingual
questionnaire survey conducted in WeChat allowed access to managers
across three major Chinese cities. The survey is based on CSR and Ethics
theories and European/UK responsible leadership research. The survey
provides evidence of attitudes and organisational arrangements that support
business ethics and CSR, with theories needing modification in China. The
survey also provides evidence of organisations offering building blocks,
where improvement in business ethics is needed. The responses to the
questionnaire survey enhance international understanding of China's
current, and likely future, business environment and the significance of
ethics and CSR in shaping it.
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