Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Organisational Information Security


  • Kajetan Kozłowski



This paper explores the crucial role of strategic management and integration of information security within organisations to safeguard against diverse threats in a rapidly evolving digital environment. It posits that effective management of information security significantly enhances organisational resilience and protects strategic assets amidst global information exchange and technological advancements. The research employs a systematic literature review method, analysing existing definitions and perspectives on information security, supplemented by an analytical examination of potential vulnerabilities within corporate security systems and a case study of the IBM model in order to provide a comprehensive approach to information security in practice. The study shows that technological progress and the development of comprehensive security frameworks by governmental and non-governmental organisations directly improve the effectiveness of information security measures. Furthermore, it emphasises information as a strategic asset that requires a holistic security approach incorporating organisational and legal measures. The findings advocate for a multidimensional approach to information security, highlighting the necessity of continuous adaptation to effectively combat evolving threats. This comprehensive analysis contributes to the scholarly discourse on information security management, offering insights that can inform future research and practical applications in enhancing organisational resilience.


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30-09-2024 — Updated on 04-02-2025

How to Cite

Kozłowski, K. (2025). Technological Advancements and Their Impact on Organisational Information Security. Applied Business and Economics Journal, 2.


