Benchmarking as a tool for enhancing an insurance company's business commercial process




A corporation can enhance its business process through a variety of approaches and methodologies. One of them is benchmarking, which businesses are using more and more as a tool to raise the calibre of their goods, services, or procedures. The article's goal is to demonstrate how benchmarking may be used to enhance an insurance company's business operations. The Fabrega Soler, S.C. Asesores de Seguros and Galan Rodriguez Servisegur, S.L. companies are the work's subject. Has been selected as a partner company, representing both Generali Seguros in Spain. The findings of the conducted benchmarking reveal major differences between the two companies studied, allowing for the development of a strategy to enhance the company Fabrega's commercial process.


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How to Cite

Fabrega, P. (2023). Benchmarking as a tool for enhancing an insurance company’s business commercial process. Applied Business and Economics Journal, 1.


